All posts by lauracbgs

Our school’s literature festival


Today, our school celebrated literacy. My favourite part of the day was probably when we were eating our lunch with our house buddies. Whilst we were eating, we also got to share a poem that we chose from several books in a library lesson. This was my favourite part of the day because I loved to hear the expression in my buddies voices as they read their poems.

Right before lunch, an author called Felice Arena came to talk to the year fours about his life and some of his books. I found it quite interesting to hear about some unique stories on how he got the ideas for a few of his books. Something I found surprising was the unbelievable amount of information he needed to right a couple of short books.

Do you know any behind the scene information about an author? If so, what is it?

About Me

I am creative, curious and courageous and I am also very passionate about animals. I have a couple of pets which are: one dog that in my opinion looks a bit like a wild dog crossed with a fox. I also have three hermit crabs who are unusually active. I might be getting another dog in the future.My brother is the best friend in the world to me which is probably because he’s not that much older than I am. I like to read books except most them are animal encyclopaedias though because they are the perfect type book to read if you like to find out facts about animals.

At school I like to learn about new subjects and the personalities of people in my class. I like maths because I find it fascinating that there are so many different ways and strategies to answer one math question. One of my favourite specialist classes at school is art because it lets me be creative and reflect on my self and the day sofare. I also like to hear about the amazing and different things that people have done in the year.

Outside of school I like to play with my brother. Usually we play imaginative games with powers and animals. Sometimes I just talk to my brother and try to do the best I can to make him and me laugh. I also like to swim in my pool and talk to my dog when I might be feeling a bit sad, worried or stressed. Usually I draw and write in my study room where my brother and I have our desks. On weekends sometimes I go surfing or bike riding at my beach house. Other than that everything else I do is a surprise.

Sofare the best things about being year four is that nearly every teacher for every subject is different from year three. Our class room in year four is very different than others not just in the way it looks but in the way it works. Another thing I like about year four is that in term one we’ve been reading a book called fish in a tree that I have been finding quite interesting.

The Nursing home Visit


Recently we went to visit a nursing home because some people there don’t have any grandchildren or visitors . Before we arrived I expected that the nursing home would just be a one story place with a couple of arpartments, a dining room and a hall but actually it was a lot more modern than I thought it would be. Whilst we were on the the bus I was feeling a bit nervous about what my buddy would be like but a bit excited to meet her.

The things we did were after we got there we went into a building that happened to be the nursing home. Once we were all in the building everyone walked through a corridor for a couple of minutes looking at all the different signs in the building. Eventually our teacher lead us into a ginormous hall. It had all of the elder residents sitting in chairs along side the walls. Everyone walked through to the end of the hall and sat down. After that two of the students played a piece of music and we were allocated to our buddies to talk to for while.

What I learned about my buddy was that she loves to paint china and do arts and craft a bit like my grandmother. Before she retired she used to be a fashion model for smaller people. Sometimes when she was working travellers would come by and give her a new piece material to make something with. She also told me that she has three granddaughters. The oldest was twenty one the second youngest was sixteen and the youngest was twelve.

What I enjoyed the most was having a conversation with someone who is a lot older than me. Another thing I enjoyed was finding the differences and similarities between my family and her family. One of the best things about it was getting so excited before we got there on the bus.